Navigating the Impact of SQL Injection on Web Security



In the world of technology, where data holds great value and databases safeguard crucial information, ensuring security becomes a top priority. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities known as SQL injections pose a threat to the security and privacy of data stored in databases.

Let’s take a look at the concept of SQL injection, how it works, and most importantly, strategies to protect against SQL injection.

What is SQL?

SQL is a structured query language used to manipulate, store, and retrieve data related to databases. All relational database systems use SQL such as: 

  • MySQL 
  • Microsoft Access
  •  Oracle
  • SQL servers
What is Sql Injection?

SQL injection is a type of web application vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate and send SQL commands to obtain database information.

Who is vulnerable to Sql Injection attacks?
  • Websites
  • Android and iOS apps
  • Social media platforms
  • Businesses
  • School infrastructure
  • Financial institutions
  • Government infrastructure
  • Network equipment such as switches and routers
What are the Impacts of SQL injection on your applications?

Steal Data:

Hackers often exploit websites and apps via SQLi to launch SQL injection attacks in an attempt to obtain sensitive information such as tokens, usernames, and passwords. Once accessed, it will continue trying until it obtains the user specifications. They then impersonate the user and use their privileges on the platform to access the data they want.

Database Details:

 A cyber attacker could exploit a weakness in a web application to alter the information stored in a database. Through database queries, an unauthorized intruder could obtain elevated administrative privileges and modify tables, potentially causing significant issues for your organization. Using the SELECT command, they could access detailed data such as usernames, passwords and other sensitive information.

The Recent SQL Injection Attack .
  1. Cybercriminals Exploit SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerabilities to Compromise Personal Information of 2 Million Users. February 2024. A threat group called ResumeLooters used SQL injection and cross-site scripting XSS attacks to compromise 65 legitimate job and retail sites and steal the personal information of over 2 million job seekers.
How SQL Injection Works?

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=’input_username’ AND password=’input_password’;

The SQL Injection Attack:

Now, let’s examine a common SQL injection attack on this authentication system. An attacker might input the following string into the username field:

” or 1=1 —

When this input is added to the SQL query, it changes the way the query works. Here is what the modified query looks like; 

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ” or 1=1 –‘ AND password = ‘input_password’;

Breaking Down the Injection:

  • ”: An empty string.
  • or 1=1: This condition is always true, effectively bypassing the original username and password check.
  • –: This double dash indicates the start of a SQL comment, causing the database to ignore the remainder of the query.

Consequences of the Injection:

Since the 1=1 condition is always true and the rest of the query is commented out, the database will return all user records, regardless of the provided username or password. This grants the attacker unauthorized access to sensitive user information.

How to identify a SQL injection vulnerability?

There are two main approaches to finding SQL injection bugs in your application: automated tools and manual detection. Automated tools are software programs designed to automatically scan applications for vulnerabilities.

Common tools for identifying SQL injection vulnerabilities include: 

  • SQLMap
  • Burp Scanner
  • SQL Injection
  • NoSQLMap

Manual detection  manually reviews your application’s code and input fields  for potential vulnerabilities. This approach requires more expertise, but may uncover issues that automated tools might miss. In both cases, the goal is to identify SQL injection vulnerabilities before an attacker can exploit them to gain unauthorized access to the application’s database.

Preventing SQL injection involves a comprehensive strategy that requires collaboration between developers and system administrators
  1. Validate User Input: Ensure that user input is validated and sanitized to match expected formats, such as restricting input fields to specific character types or lengths.
  2. Parameterized Queries: Use parameterized queries or prepared statements instead of directly inserting user input into SQL queries. This practice separates SQL logic from user data, thereby thwarting injection attacks.
  3. Principle of Least Privilege: Restrict the privileges assigned to database accounts by granting only the necessary permissions for their designated tasks. This helps minimize the potential impact of successful attacks.
  4. Regular Security Audits: Perform routine security audits to detect and address vulnerabilities in your web application’s code. Stay updated on the latest security threats and recommended security practices.

SQL injection poses a serious threat to database and web application security, impacting various sectors such as financial institutions, government infrastructure, and enterprises.

At IOSCAPE we are committed to improving web security and protecting critical data of our customers from SQL injection and other threats to ensure a safer digital environment.

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