Storing MQTT Data in a Database: A Comprehensive Guide


Introduction to MQTT

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) systems for device-to-device or device-to-cloud communication. MQTT operates on a publish/subscribe model, where devices (clients) publish data to an MQTT broker, and the broker distributes the data to subscribed clients. It often needs to be stored in a database to leverage MQTT data for further analysis, reporting, or control.

Why Store MQTT Data in a Database?

Storing MQTT data in a database allows for:

  • Historical Data Analysis: The ability to analyse patterns, trends, and perform predictive analytics on IoT data.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Storing and accessing real-time data from sensors and devices for immediate feedback or control actions.
  • Data Integration: Centralising data from multiple devices or systems into a single source of truth for easier management and integration with other applications.
  • Persistent Data Storage: Ensuring data is not lost after being published to the broker but is stored permanently for future access.
Process Overview: Storing MQTT Data in a Database

The general steps to store MQTT data in a database are as follows:

1. Connect to MQTT Broker

  ◆    Establish a connection to an MQTT broker where devices are publishing data. You           can use popular brokers like Mosquitto, HiveMQ, or your own hosted broker.

2. Subscribe to Relevant Topics

  ◆    Identify the topics that contain the data you want to store. Subscribe to these                 topics using a client that will handle the database storage.

3. Receive MQTT Messages

  ◆    Upon subscription, your client will start receiving messages published to the                     subscribed topics. Each message will contain a payload with the data.

4. Process the Data

  ◆    Parse the MQTT message payload. The payload could be in formats like JSON,                XML, or plain text, depending on the device or application.

5. Insert Data into the Database

  ◆    After processing the data, you can insert it into your database. Commonly used             databases include:

        ●SQL Databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL): Ideal for structured data, where                       relationships between entities are important.

       ●NoSQL Databases (e.g., MongoDB, InfluxDB): Useful for unstructured data, high             write throughput, and time-series data.

6. Perform Error Handling and Logging

  ◆    Implement error handling and logging to ensure data integrity and manage                   issues such as failed connections, malformed messages, or database insert                    errors.

Example: Storing MQTT Data in MySQL

Scenario: You have an IoT system that publishes temperature and humidity data from multiple sensors to an MQTT broker. You want to store this data in a MySQL database for future analysis.

MySQL Database table


1. Setup MySQL Database


     CREATE DATABASE iot_data;
     USE iot_data;

     CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
     Topic varchar(100),
     Value FLOAT,
     Time DATETIME

2. Subscribe to MQTT Topics

Set up a Python script that subscribes to the sensors/temperature and sensors/humidity topics and stores the data in the MySQL database.

     Python code

     import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
     import mysql.connector
     import json
     from datetime import datetime

    # Connect to MySQL

     db = mysql.connector.connect(

     cursor = db.cursor()

    # MQTT callback for when a message is received

     def on_message(client, userdata, message):

    # Parse the payload

     payload = json.loads(message.payload.decode(‘utf-8’))

    # Extract data
     topic = payload[‘topic’]
     value = payload[‘value’]
     timestamp =

    # Insert data into the MySQL table

     sql = “INSERT INTO sensor_data (topic, value, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)”
     val = (topic, value, timestamp)
     cursor.execute(sql, val)

    # MQTT client setup

     client = mqtt.Client()
     client.on_message = on_message
     client.connect(“mqtt_broker_address”, 1883, 60)

    # Subscribe to relevant topics


    # Start the MQTT loop


Data Flow:

1. IoT Device publishes temperature and humidity data to the sensors/temp and               sensors/humidity topics on the MQTT broker.

2. Python Script subscribes to these topics, receives the messages, and parses the            data.

3. MySQL Database stores the parsed data, maintaining a record of sensor readings          over time.

    “temp”: 75,
    “humidity”: 84


At Ioscape, we specialize in building scalable IoT platforms that integrate MQTT for seamless communication and data storage. By using cutting-edge technologies such as SQL databases for structured data or relational databases like MySQL, we ensure that our IoT solutions offer real-time monitoring, analytics, and long-term data retention. Whether you need a simple storage solution or a complex data-driven platform, our expertise enables businesses to harness the full potential of IoT data for innovation and operational efficiency.

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